Episode 5 - James Kelly

#5: James Kelly

In Episode 5 of apolitical we speak with James Kelly, a political blogger and amateur psephologist, about the value and nature of opinion polls, what they taught us about the 2015 General Election campaign and what we can look forward to in terms of polls for the next year or two.



Amongst the topics we discuss with James on the podcast are:

• The origins of his interest in politics;

• The surprising reason he started his blog and where its name came from;

• Events that shaped the polls in the 2015 General Election campaign;

• The relative value of opinion polls and political betting markets; and

• How he devises his trademark alliterative blog titles.


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Show Links:
James Kelly on Twitter
New Statesman

apolitical podcast team

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3 thoughts to “#5: James Kelly”

  1. Excellent questions from Iain Bartholomew. Made for a very interesting interview. Thanks.

  2. James, your impute is much appreciated. Well done with regards the UK election. You are one of my first ref. points when trying to read polls/ political stats! Also great questions from Iain!

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