Episode 10 - Colin Fox

#10: Colin Fox

In Episode 10 of apolitical we speak with Colin Fox, National co-spokesperson of the Scottish Socialist Party and a former MSP. We chat about his introduction to politics and activism; his disenchantment with the Scottish Labour Party; the decline in support for the SSP over the past decade; and what the future holds for the Left in Scotland.



Amongst the topics we discuss with Colin on the podcast are:

• His introduction to politics as a young man;

• The challenge of being a socialist in the Scottish Labour Party;

• Progressing from Labour to a separate Socialist platform;

• His political icon;

• Whether a Socialist party has any relevance to 21st century politics;

• What the alliance between the SSP and the Left Project is and what it means;

• Where the two groups differ;

• What caused the SSP’s decline in fortunes after the 2003 Holyrood elections;

• The impact of Tommy Sheridan’s libel action and subsequent trial for perjury on the SSP;

• How to distinguish between the parties on the Left in Scotland; and

• What he sees as the biggest issue in Scottish politics today.


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Show Links:

Scottish Socialist Party
SSP Podcast
Scottish Left Project
2003 Holyrood Election

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